How are you coping with the heatwave?

This is an article that we published last year but we thought in view of the circumstances we’d bring it to you again! Two heatwaves in successive years in the UK? Aren’t we lucky! You know that temperatures are soaring over Britain when at least one national newspaper prints a picture of a young woman sunbathing in her bra and pants during her lunch hour, … Continue reading How are you coping with the heatwave?

Why It’s Good to Be Naked in Public?

I got a real naked education when I moved to Europe. I wouldn’t say Canadians are prudish but, in our unfailing commitment to be polite, being naked in change rooms, sporting events, the beach… it just isn’t…nice. In Europe, the social climate of nakedness is totally different and, I’ve realized, it’s good to be naked in public. Naked is Normal My first naked experience was … Continue reading Why It’s Good to Be Naked in Public?

10 Tips to Become a Naturist

1. Where and with whom? Think about it beforehand for you need to make several choices before launching into your first naturist experience – who are you ing with? Where? Which type of site? Your choices only of course but think about some obvious things. If you want to have that experience but you’re still not comfortable with your naked body, to a naturist beach … Continue reading 10 Tips to Become a Naturist

I ❤️ Naked Walks: Naturist Treks on European Islands (Part Two)

It’s one thing to find a place for nakation that allows for a leisurely afternoon of nude sunbathing by the pool, but what if you are the restless type who needs to get up and stretch your legs now and again? Such was the topic of my previous installment called I ❤️ Naked Walks, focusing on a few of our favorite places in Croatia and … Continue reading I ❤️ Naked Walks: Naturist Treks on European Islands (Part Two)

I ❤️ Naked Walks: Our favorite places for naturist trekking (Part One)

Seems simple enough. Take off your clothes… and walk! As it happens, neither of us have ever considered ourselves even remotely athletic. In fact, one could argue that a big part of what drew us into naturism in the first place was simply coming to terms with our own bodies. Neither of us had the talent nor the desire for championship skiing or body-builder weight-lifting, … Continue reading I ❤️ Naked Walks: Our favorite places for naturist trekking (Part One)