It Takes Balls: The Best Nudist Sports

Get outside, get active, and get naked. If anything, naturists need to keep up an active lifestyle more than most other people, right? Living a life that constantly requires you to sport a birthday suit may mean you like to take extra care of your bod. Of course, most nudists don’t really care about appearance and instead appreciate the community and freedom of life in … Continue reading It Takes Balls: The Best Nudist Sports

As Nature Intended – an insight into naturism by a female first timer

Naturism, nudism…it seemed the same to me. I couldn’t tell you the difference between the two concepts. I never thought of it beyond stereotypes: something done by “eccentric” people, somehow related to exhibitionism, and mostly done by men. However, some time ago a friend told me about naturism, how she became a member of Irish Naturist Association and how much she enjoyed naturist outings and … Continue reading As Nature Intended – an insight into naturism by a female first timer